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The Ward Family

by Yvonne Hellin-Hobbs | Families, People

Kit and Jack Ward were very popular in the village, taking in Phyllis Blogg and her family as evacuees during World War Two. They still have relatives living in the village, who have kindly filled in some gaps in their story.

Jack and Kit Ward

Jack Ward & Kit nee Valance

Jack Ward & Kit nee Dennis

In 1939 Jack Ward and his wife Kit (nee Dennis), ran the Butcher’s shop at what is now 23Fore St. Kit’s family owned the Manor Inn.  Flo Vallance who owned the Manor Inn was Vallance by her second marriage. Her first husband Frederick George Dennis died in 1914 aged just 29 on the submarine AE1 which went down off New Guinea; all were lost. Flo was left with three children under 5 years, Kit, Charles and Gwen. They never changed their surnames.

The Butcher’s shop was opposite the Manor Inn, Fore St. and was previously owned by John Burnie Ward and Ethel May Ward, Jack’s parents.  Fred ‘Gunner’ Sharland was their butcher’s boy. Ethel May was originally Crisp, then Ward, then Branch.

Jack Ward in uniform

Jack Ward in uniform

It is thought that Kit and Jack later moved to America and took with them one of the Blogg boys, possibly Terry. Aged 25 he moved back and lived with his mother.

Kit and Jack Ward

Kit and Jack Ward

Arthur Ward was Jack’s younger brother, Sylvia and Margret Ward were Jack’s sisters.  Sylvia’s first husband was Ronald Ambrose Slater, known as Jimmy, who was in the Wiltshire Regiment and received the Military Cross. His name features  on the war memorial, and he is buried in Tilly, France. More of his story here:


Later Sylvia remarried and was the mother of Phyllis, Gary and Jane Aldridge.

John Burnie Ward's Gravestone

John Burnie Ward’s Gravestone

The Blogg Family, The Hope Family, The Cross Family, Norman P. Barnett, The McGregor Family, Heathman Family.

All efforts have been made to ascertain that the information in this article is correct. Most of it is taken from material in the Bishopsteignton Heritage archive, and some from personal recollection. If you spot any errors or have any further information on any of these evacuees and their families and descendants, or know of any others that came to the village, please do comment below or let us know by email.